In the magical land of Unitopia lives a family of princess unicorns whose sole purpose is to collect magical candy free of evil to sprinkle that goodn …
Hungry teddy bears roam the mountain forest in search of their favorite food, honey and maple sap jars that the forest rangers collect from the bees a …
Evil Fruit Pirates have invaded the Ninja Cupcakes sacred temple while they were away on a mission. The Ninja Cupcakes run back and battle the Fruit P …
Find out if you have true ninja skills by playing this challengingly fun obstacle game! Practice your quick reflexes,timing, critical thinking and pro …
***WARNING*** This game is extremely addictive! Battle for the rights to the Dragon Throne! Collect golden orbs, shoot fireballs and dodge enemy weapo …
*** WARNING*** This game is extremely cute and addicting! UPDATE!*fixed game crashing on startupHelp the fox navigate through obstacles and make sure …
***WARNING**** This game is extremely addictive!!!HOW TO PLAY: Tap and hold it on the screen to make the magical fairy float up. Tap and release your …
*** WARNING*** This game is extremely addicting and fun! HOW TO PLAY- Tap and hold to move Chirp up, tap and release to move Chirp down, or tap like c …
*** WARNING*** This game is highly addictive and fun!! HOW TO PLAY- TILT your device to move up and down. Tap and hold to go faster. Let go to slow do …
***WARNING*** This game is extremely cute, addicting and fun! Help the unicorn collect as much frosting coins as possible to keep flying upward. You m …