Synopsis of “Ernie the Eagle and the Mysterious Grrrr!” Have you ever heard a scary noise and you didn’t know what it was? Then you know how Ernie the …
Early childhood development is important, and we need to read to our children every night.Many of the pages have an optional “Paint Me” feature for ch …
This book will delight both children and their parents. Swamp Life is adapted from an original animated action packed screenplay written in 2011 by Ma …
A hungry boy tries to eat a super duper chewy gooey extra sticky bubble gum chocolate chip cookie and all sorts of fun follows as the cookie keeps get …
A children's story book illustrating the value of diversity and friendship and how important it is to embrace the differences amoung us all. It captur …
This delightful children’s book introduces the eponymous character, Someone, who has a problem that made him sad: he had only ten hair strands on his …
Brandon's Nap is a full color "cuddle" book in rhyme, for times when naps are needed and spirits are restless. Brandon lives with extended family. His …
I think Pierre is very handsome, don’t you? Did you know that he is one of the most beautiful birds in the world. The colours and patterns in his tail …
Audrey has a love for music and creating rhymes on her drum. When Audrey plays her drum she is filled with love and happiness. Lessons of life come to …
Many of the pages have an optional “Paint Me” feature for children to finger paint the pages and create their own custom version of the book. Addition …