Let your iPhone speak! This is possible through Vocalizer, the first application of vocalization. The concept is simple: enter your text in the applic …
Web sites optimized for mobile phones are convenient, but they have fewer features than the original websites. With Safari, if the Web page detects th …
Install "Metal Detector" on your iPhone 3GS, start the application, calibrate the detector and move your iPhone near to an object. The spire oscillate …
Finally the application that will let you know if you are able to drive after your evening party. Start the application and click the glass and drank …
You can’t count the tries you have made to give up smoking? You would like to get assistance when trying to?StopSmoking is your support : each time yo …
You have 10 seconds to shake your iPhone as strong as you can! 'Shake it' is a funny and addictive game to play single or between friends for hilariou …
L’application Departement, c’est le répertoire complet des départements et régions françaises avec leurs 38 000 communes : code postal, localisation, …
Curiosity is the directory of the most intriguing aerial pictures of Google Map.Surprising shapes, remarkable monuments, Google bugs, unusual places . …