This discussion looks at some of the civil unrest on Bougainville Island in the mid 1990s with specific reference to the Panguna Mine. The hidden cost …
Rocket Acceleration Time is a handy application for all budding astronauts, physicists, space ranger or roleplayers for games like FSpaceRPG, Travelle …
Pacific Settlement - A discussion on the Western and Eastern Settlement theories in the Pacific Ocean. An ebook that considers sea level change as a m …
Lizard Lingo generator is a utility designed to allow the user to randomly generate words in a language that fits reptialian and draconic sentient spe …
Lionkin Lingo generator is a utility designed to allow the user to randomly generate words in a language that fits feline sentient species like Kzinti …
Elf Lingo generator is a utility designed to allow the user to randomly generate words in a language that fits elvish people. It can be considered mor …
Community Education - a discussion on Paulo Freire's Liberation Education. The theories of Paulo Freire on social oppression and liberation are quite …
Looking for a dirt cheap basic rulebook for FSpaceRPG. The Net Rules is just what you're looking for. This edition is a barebones edition with no embe …
Dice and Skill usage primer ebook. This is a small guide aimed at players and for those wanting to see the base mechanics for the FSpaceRPG game syste …
FSpaceRPG is a traditional book and dice science fiction roleplaying game in the classic mould. This scenario is a quick scenario which can be plugged …