Shaolin Small-form Hong Boxing is one of the most basic boxing in Chinese Shaolin Wushu. Its movements are simple and plain, attack and protection are …
Fanzi Quan, originally called "Flash over Eight", also known as "Fanzi" and "Turning over Boxing", is spread in northern China. Fanzi Quan is a routin …
Shaolin Qixing Boxing is one of the most ancient boxing techniques. There is a variety of attack and defence techniques with its well-knit structure, …
He-style Taiji Quan is based on traditional Taiji routine, simplified by cutting out the superfluous, Under the influence on the traditional Confucian …
Da-hong Boxing is a representative form in Shaolin Boxing. This form is famous for compact structure, distinct attacking and defending, and moderate r …
The actual combat skill of Chen-style Taiji Quan is unique, whose key is natural, calm, flexible. The essential element: during the fight, always try …
The New Form’s Routine I of Chen Style Taiji Quan is one of the most ancient Chinese shadow boxing. It originated in Chen Jiagou of Henan, China and w …
The New Form's Routine II of Chen-style Taiji Quan is one of the most ancient Chinese shadow boxing. It originated in Chen Jiagou of Henan, China and …
The Old Form's Routine I of Chen Style Taiji Quan is one of the most ancient Chinese shadow boxing. It originated in Chen Jiagou of Henan, China and w …