The Holy Bible in Korean Language (King James Version)- Browse Testaments, Books, Chapters or Verses.- Reading plans: several reading plans to read th …
Biblia românească Cornilescu- Acces facil la versetele: Testamente, Cărți și Capitole.- Citește Biblia în peisaj / mod orizontal sau vertical.- Planur …
The Holy Bible (KJV - King James Version)- Browse Testaments, Books, Chapters or Verses.- Reading plans: several reading plans to read the Bible in 30 …
The Holy Bible in Danish language (Dette er Biblen på dansk 1933 translation)- Browse Testaments, Books, Chapters or Verses.- Reading plans: read the …
The Holy Bible (KJV - King James Version)- Browse Testaments, Books, Chapters or Verses.- Reading plans: several reading plans to read the Bible in 30 …
Polska Biblia Gdańska- Przeczytaj całą Polskie Biblia.- Czytania planów: kilka planów do czytania Biblii w 30, 45, 60, 90, 180 lub 365 dni (niektóre p …
Quran Lite (Pickthall)- Read the Quran in english language (Pickthall).- Resume reading from the last verse you have read with a single click!- Settin …
Bible en français Louis Segond (Traduction King James Version - KJV)- Naviguez à travers les différents livres, chapitres et versets- Plans de lecture …
Quran Bangla (বাংলা)- Read the Quran in bangla language (bengali).- Resume reading from the last verse you have read with a single click!- Settings se …