The primary languages for this app is english and hindi.NerdCats English To Hindi Dictionary contains 48000+ words and phrase definitions along with s …
The official language for this app is Bangla. All of the contents are presented in Bangla and English.Television Listings Bangladesh presents Program …
Official language for this app is Bangla.EkusheyTV24 is a live streaming client of the very popular television channel of Bangladesh named Ekushey Tel …
Star Cineplex is the very first and only client of Dhaka's famous Star Cineplex. Keep your Star Cineplex in your pocket.Contents are under rights of t …
Official language for this app is Bangla.Rosh+Alo is a fun supplementary weekly of Daily Prothom Alo in Bangladesh. It's renowned for it's signature h …
Official language for this app is Bangla.Doinik Hartal is an app based on a facebook page named "হরতাল Updates". It provides the necessary info on upc …
Bus Map Dhaka is the very first comprehensive map driven interactive app that lets you find your suitable transit/local bus route in Dhaka, Bangaldesh …
Official Language of this app is Bangla and English. bdnews24 বাংলাদেশের অন্যতম বৃহৎ অনলাইন সংবাদমাধ্যম। bdnews24 for Windows Phone সর্বপ্রথম bdnews24 …
The official language for this app is Bangla.Chandrabindu is the first ever app that lets you write bangla in windows phones. It lets you use a phonet …
The best The Bro Code app is back with the same look and feel of the actual book and It's FREE! Enjoy Barney Stinson's epic quotes from How I Met Your …