An ecosystem is a group of numerous populations of animal and plant species that share resources in the same area.In this area of life, we can disting …
Glissez/déposez les pierres sur le cintre en bois pour créer une arche qui doit tenir toute seule. La pierre finale, placée au sommet se nomme la clé …
Fruits and vegetables are regularly used terms. However, what do they mean? In the culinary language, fruit is sweet and is consumed in desserts. Vege …
Onglet "couleur → valeur": Cliquer sur un code couleur pour le sélectionner.Onglet "valeur → couleur": Cliquer puis faire glisser le curseur pour fixe …
You can adjust the angle of the cannon relative to the horizontal. The muzzle velocity can also be adjusted. A cursor is provided to enable the making …
After several shipwrecks, England decided in 1714 to create an office of longitudes (Board of Longitude) which offered a reward to anyone who could fi …
Che aspetto aveva la terra 200 milioni di anni fa? C’è una relazione tra i terremoti e l’attività vulcanica?Terra Interattiva è una risorsa didattica …
¿Cómo se veía la tierra hace 200 millones de años? ¿Están relacionados los volcanes y los terremotos?Tierra Interactiva es una herramienta interactiva …