Three magic tricks for your device.1) Mind Reader - This trick is designed to guess your symbol after doing a little math.2) Guess My Number - This tr …
Way back when I was a kid, my Dad showed me a card trick that had me baffled for a few days until I figured it out. In this magic card trick, 7 hands …
In this magic trick, the person is asked to pick a number between 1 and 63. The person is then shown six screens with numbers, and the person is asked …
First off... Happy Holidays!For you enjoyment and entertainment this is an application thats comprised of three separate games.In the first game calle …
The game is simple, use your bow and arrow to hit the practice targets, but NOT the squirrels or rabbits. - Hit the round practice target and get 2 po …
Mystics is a set of four applications, each of which are designed to give you a personal reading.The four readings are:1) I Ching: An ancient Chinese …
Enjoy a fireworks display with 30 cityscapes as backgrounds.Put on your favorite music in the background (use the iPod function of your device), then …
This trick will surely amaze your friends (well at least some of them).-------------------------------------------Based on the reviews, some folks lik …
The game is simple. You'll need to guess the hidden word by clicking on the letters. You are only allowed 5 wrong guesses. The game has 700 words whic …
If you've played Tic Tac Toe, the most frustrating part is that it often ends in a tie. Not so in this game.In this game, you get to play in 3 dimensi …