First order differential equations.Simple and clearly explained notes with simple and clear explanations.Approximately 30 various excersises, included …
Show off your reflexes !Catch a partner for a bluetooth connection, and there you go !Between attacks, parades, and counter-attacks, prove that your r …
Check out some of the most impressive anagrams ever created!An anagram is a word or phrase spelled by rearranging the letters of another word or phras …
The State Capital Finder is an excellent application which can help you quickly and easily figure out the state capital for any of the fifty states in …
Cette application est un véritable module de formation de 45 minutes.Ce module est présenté par votre Expert Thierry Salomon, consultant formateur, sp …
Do you have a steady hand?Can you remain calm under pressure?Move the loop from one end of the wire to the other without touching it. Sound easy? Well …
Do you have a steady hand?Can you remain calm under pressure?Move the loop from one end of the wire to the other without touching it. Sound easy? Well …
Disgust your friends with the perfect prank to fool their senses. Burp and belch your way into their horror and hilarious fun. Simply unleash all the …
Epicure is your very own personal database for storing information about food, wine, and beer. Never again will you have to stare at a menu trying to …
Roam the streets of Paris, New York City, London, Tokyo and Mexico City as a monster and look for your next meal Humans. You are not picky and you wil …