Use Linear Solver to solve every system of linear equation.No matter whether overdetermined, underdetermined or with one unique solution.Linear Solver …
Ever get into a situation where you needed a good excuse but couldn't think of one? Well, now you can with this app!! Cool Features! + Multiple catego …
** Dieses App ist kein Angebot des Kölner Studentenwerks**Mit dieser App erfährst du blitzschnell welche Gerichte heute in den Kölner Mensen angeboten …
Ouvrez grands vos yeux, et découvrez 10 incroyables vidéos à 360° depuis l'habitacle de Renault Espace. Un détail de son habitacle vous a échappé ? In …
CyberChat allows you to quickly and easily communicate with other iPhones or iPod Touches near you. We have made something that no other chat applicat …
Replace those paper cards when estimating story points (or complexity points) in the agile scrum process.Story points were made popular by Mike Cohn a …