Are you a professional air guitar soloist? How about a part time ninja? Well now you can be a master flickthrow basketballer! Flickthrow Challenge is …
Optimized for iPhone 6 & 6 Plus!Play with your friends on the go with new turn-based online play. Invite a friend or get matched to a random opponent. …
Questa non è un’esercitazione.Progetto Christian Andersen: un album, un dvd, un sito cutting edge, una raccolta di video sparati su Youtube e Vimeo al …
Toyotapp samler en række letanvendelige funktioner, som er både brugbare og praktiske at have ved hånden. Første udgave af app’en byder på fire funkti …
Keep and share your notes with Swipy couldn't be easier.It has been re-designed from the ground up and now is a full featured note taking app with iCl …
P-Århus giver dig informationer om parkeringsforholdene i Århus.Det er muligt at se tider, priser, parkeringshuse og naturligvis en masse om hvordan b …
Who is the best person to remind you of things that you must accomplish? YOU ARE!ENJOY THE UPGRADE.....NOW WITH VIDEO !!!!!Voice Mi Thoughts lets you …
DH Radio est présente sur les ondes depuis le 20 janvier à 6H ! Sur cette appli (disponible pour l’ensemble des smartphones et tablettes vendues), vou …
London-based music and style magazine gives you the hottest new talent from indie to electronica and pop to hip hop, the brightest upcoming fashion de …
This app allows you to store details of your items, possessions or any objects you like and to record their location. In it’s simplest form you can us …