Have something important you don't want to forget? Eager for a certain day to approach? Use the Count Down app to customize your own count down for yo …
Make a face by sliding the drawings and adding your photo. You can take a photo or start from one on your phone using the extras menu. Add a caption a …
My Beers let you keep track of what beers you have tried and what you think about them. You can add the type of beer, brewer, name of the beer, rate i …
The 7 Deadly Sins is a classification of reprehensible vices that has been used since early Christian times. They are seen as the origin of every othe …
English description:This application acts as a timed camera shutter.It's simple and very easy to use!1. Choose the timer by tapping the timer button.2 …
This application is a useful tool to play "Magic: the Gathering".Key features."Life Counter" (Single or Double)"Manapool Counter" (Single or Double)"C …
Custom Tiles Maker contains tools for customizing your Windows Phone 8.Tiles=====You can create custom tiles for your Phone. By using this app not onl …
SuperMusic enables users to download Free and Legal Music directly to their phone.Users of any version can download free music without any limitation. …
Simply the best car expense tracker, record fuel expense, record maintenance expense, calculate mileage, track your expense , get visual data, has ver …
Test your subtraction skills. Real-time feedback is given in the form of pie and bar charts so that you may know where you need improvement.免費玩Subtrac …