Knowing provide one of the best user experiences for browsing books from Feedbooks.Knowing is an elegant iPad eReader to download and read non-paid bo …
Der perfekte Deutsch-Türkisch-Sprachführer. Lassen Sie sich vom Türkisch Sprachführer auf Ihren Reisen begleiten und beim Sprechen und Erlernen der Sp …
Norfolk, Virginia is a friendly, modern port city located where the Chesapeake Bay meets the Atlantic Ocean. Vibrantly alive and bursting with opportu …
Biega, krzyczy pan Hilary„Gdzie są moje okulary?”Może się wydawać, że szukanie zagubionego przedmiotu to całkiem trywialny temat, ale Julian Tuwim pot …
Découvrez les livres préférés des libraires, les livres recommandés par la presse, le courrier des auteurs, leurs portraits audio, et des milliers d’e …
"A great and calamitous sequence of arguments with the universe: poignant, terrifying, ludicrous, and brilliant. The Exegesis is the sort of book asso …
ScanEnglish is a study tool for learning English. (especially good for kids or foreigner)First, you can send QR codes to your email address in the app …
Scioglilingua HD è ora su App Store!Metti alla prova la tua capacità di leggere questi scioglilingua e metti a confronto la tua capacità con quella de …
Fight boredom and revive the surrealist artist in you!Exquis-C will let you discover or rediscover the pleasures and surprises of the game of "Exquisi …
This Exploriments app provides an interactive environment to explore the concepts of current and charge, understand division of current in parallel ci …