Center for Innovation in EducationDecoding Chart - FlipDescriptionThe tenth of the fourteen apps that comprise the Baratta-Lorton Reading Program.The …
If a number is a multiply of a seven like 7, 21, 28or contains the number 7 like 17, 37, 73you have to click BOOM.免費玩_7BOOM APP玩免費免費玩_7BOOM App_7BOOM …
This entertaining kid's puzzle game provides for on the go entertainment for children and their parents. Take turns navigating the Worb puzzle while w …
*english*After beeing frustated with not finding an app which supports my flashlight (HTC Mozart 7) I built this fun app...It doesn't work on every de …
MultiFlash is a multi-colored flash light generator. You can either generate random colors or use a preset instead.Ability to save your favourite colo …
See the world as an artist. Take a pictures with amazing pencil sketch effect in realtime or apply it to existing photos from your gallery.What's new: …
Flip Flop is a thinking game where you have to match a given pattern. Tap on the buttons "1", "2" and "3" to flip the color of the top field. Every fi …
augCamera is great for marking objects in the sky, tagging things in a building, or finding your car's parking spot! Your phone keeps the object's rec …
This app colorizes your pictures using colors from 24 images of Washington State in the 1920s. Asahel Curtis took photographs from all around the stat …
Compete against your friends and family to see who is the fastest.免費玩Tap Fight APP玩免費免費玩Tap Fight AppTap Fight APP LOGOTap Fight APP QRCode熱門國家系統支援版本費 …