Con la nuova app Radio LatteMiele puoi ascoltare ovunque la tua radio preferita, senza interruzioni, e consultare in ogni momento LatteStelle, l'orosc …
A Better Tomorrow starts today. See how you can play your part with our yummy seasonal and sustainable recipes and our easy tips to reduce environment …
Do you want to know what's happening right now, around your current location?Do you want to share an event to others around you?With Bilabit you can s …
"Random Number 99" is an application which generate the numbers to 99 at random.Since it displays in a big number, everybody can see. An operation is …
Lidgit is a safe social app where users can invite friends and family only, by participating in answering questions and sharing responses among them. …
LifeFabric is an amazingly simple way to assemble all of your photos into a growing social Fabric that shows all of your latest experiences, and your …
Komposr is a beautiful photo sharing app that gives you the ability to take photos, either from camera or from album, apply filters and/or add frames …
Angeln Pro– Das Fangbuch für Angler mit Gewässerkarte, Angelstrategie, Schonzeiten u.v.m. Trage Deine Fänge ganz einfach in das Fangbuch ein und sende …
* Universal compact app for iPhone 6 / iPhone 6 Plus / iPhone 5 / iPhone / iPod / iPadThis is a premier iOS app catering to almost every information o …
Take to the skies in this fanciful puzzler that will test your spatial reasoning skills like never before. Climb the clouds and discover the freedom w …