This game was made as a self-project for a class at school. While basic, it is a port and modification of the first ever game I made on PC.=========== …
Preva® is a fitness tracking app specifically designed to help you reach your fitness goals. Preva is brought to you by Precor®, the manufacturer of p …
棒人間をドラッグしながら、障害物に当たらないように操作してゴールまで連れて行こう!全10ステージありますおまけで、タイムアタックモードを用意しましたこちらは全5ステージあります最速タイムを取って、ランク1位を目指そう!☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆素材をお借りしたサイト様Music is V …