Can’t sleep? Feel tired? Want to relax? In 15 minutes you will, or less. Introducing the most popular relax/sleep/meditation aid app! Start relaxing n …
With the new FREE Oink app, Oink Cardholders can receive money from family or approved family friends, as well as check their balance or monitor purch …
Stop worrying about memory cards, wires and batteries. The best camera is the one one you've got with you.Simone makes use of the iPhone’s great camer …
Chronorea allows paramedics, emergency staff (MUG), anaesthetic nurse, and firefighters to manage and record their interventions. - Intervention to re …
O Studos é um aplicativo que ajuda você a estudar!Com o Studos você pode resolver provas de vários vestibulares do Brasil. Realize as provas on-line e …
The Beacon Harvester is an application which will help you find and save information about iBeacons around you. If you have any questions or suggestio …
Egin nahi al diozu iradokizunik Donostiako Udalari? Aplikazio ofizial honek aukera ematen dizu zure galderak Udalari helarazteko, erraz. Gainera, arga …
SmartHome Austria ist ein innovatives Hausautomatisierungssystem für Eigentümer sowie Mieter, das Energiesparen mit einem Plus an Komfort und Sicherhe …