The Angry Dog Alarm uses positive and negative reinforcement to get you out of bed on time in the morning. Wake up promptly after your first alarm goe …
Incident reporting and patient safety is of utmost importance and a clear method of communication should be established between the hospital managemen …
Con CreoTrico App puoi effettuare un'accurata e approfondita diagnosi ,grazie alla microcamera abbinata potrai confrontare le anomalie conosciute con …
FoodXclude is an easy-to-use barcode scanner that quickly tells you if a pre-packaged food has allergic ingredients. By entering your food allergen pr …
Spend more time training and less time fiddling with your phone with Intivie’s extremely simple, yet functional setup.** What people are saying! **"I …
As our healthcare system continues to change, BluePrint Healthcare IT has launched a unique tool that optimizes care coordination for patients with va …
Das Gehen auf alten Pilgerwegen fasziniert immer mehr Menschen. Die Gründe sind vielfältig: Manche suchen die Nähe zum Göttlichen, vielleicht auch ein …
Pennergluck findet für dich die günstigste Bierflasche.Pennergluck ist ein kleines Hobbyprojekt und lebt vor allem davon, dass du aktiv mithilfst die …
Syncrolife - Flawless Skin talks about skin care and explains techniques to maintain a flawless skin.The Syncrolife series of apps brings lifestyle le …