【實用個人化app】[Full HD] Madam Butterfly Atom|最夯免費app

【實用個人化app】[Full HD] Madam Butterfly Atom|最夯免費app


【免費個人化App】[Full HD] Madam Butterfly Atom-APP點子

Atom theme starts supporting of Full HD! The first FULL HD Theme of Atom!

The theme is to make you feel high resolution of Full HD.

This is a chance that can appreciate a delicate work of Illustrator Anyung!

You can enjoy the detail of a beautiful hair ornaments and lifelike butterflies with Full HD.

Illustrator Anyung

Selected prize, 2005.07 Baskin Robbins calendar contest.

Selected prize, 2010.03 T-shirts design contest.

Selected prize, 2010 Korea woman art exhibition in the category of western painting.

Worked, 2011 Character work of a Chuka club.

Participated, 2011 Ssamzielove zenana craft fair.

Participated, 2011 Firefly in the brook Fair with team. (Gallery Sky Yeon)

Worked, 2011 Character work of Valsarea cosmetic.

【免費個人化App】[Full HD] Madam Butterfly Atom-APP點子

Worked, 2012 Illusts of the art t-shirts company.

Introduced, 2012 Korean art publishing agency’s a monthly illust newspaper.

***Main Features:

- Exclusive Widgets: Clock, Memo Calendar, Contact, Settings and Search Bar

- Gestures: Pinch, Double Touch, Slide, Long-Touch

- Smart Folder: Ability to add folders on ALL apps and the ‘Home’ screen, flexible sizing

- Dock Bar: Access up to 20 of your favorite apps instantly, includes an ‘Emotional’ Filter Effect, Screen settings, and opacity adjustments.

- Multi-Wallpaper: Automatically switch between 3-24 different wallpapers when the display is turned on/off

- Deep Customization: ‘Point Colors’ are completely adjustable and modify the look and feel of Widgets, Menu, Guides, or Icons.

- Live Background: Brings your background into the 21st century – beautiful dynamic backgrounds

- Wide-Ranging Theme Support: Supports existing SSKIN and GO launching themes

***Main Points:

【免費個人化App】[Full HD] Madam Butterfly Atom-APP點子

- High Quality: Optimized for Ice Cream Sandwich / Jellybean (Android ICS/JB 4.0.2 onwards)

- Light & Easy: Options instantly selectable through a light and easy launcher interface

- Stylish: Stylish UI with beautiful backgrounds, icons, and custom color schemes from professional designers

- Smart: Themes are optimized automatically for ICS and existing launchers such as SSKIN and GO are completely supported

- Fun: Offers fun, interactive themes with live, beautiful backgrounds and widgets


- Available from Android OS version 4.0.2 and above

- Requires 10 MB space to save theme resources

- To enhance usability, installed theme doesn’t appear

- Not available for Tab Devices (Extra-Large Screen)

- Badges: Display missed call, unread messages (ATOM only supports default apps on your Android device, does not support device-specific functions)

- Due to resolution issues, service is currently stopped on “Optimus View”

*** Customer Support

【免費個人化App】[Full HD] Madam Butterfly Atom-APP點子

Please leave reviews or comments. Your review is appreciated and we read every one.

For more information or support, please visit

- Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/Atom.Home

【免費個人化App】[Full HD] Madam Butterfly Atom-APP點子

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免費玩[Full HD] Madam Butterfly Atom App

[Full HD] Madam Butterfly Atom APP LOGO

[Full HD] Madam Butterfly Atom LOGO-APP點子

[Full HD] Madam Butterfly Atom APP QRCode

[Full HD] Madam Butterfly Atom QRCode-APP點子
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