【實用教育app】1st 2nd Grade Quest|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】1st 2nd Grade Quest|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】1st 2nd Grade Quest-APP點子

This fun, educational trivia game was designed by an elementary teacher as a teaching aid to introduce children to their grade level curriculum. Topics include science, math, language arts, social studies, health, safety, and more! The game consists of 800 questions based on two U.S. grade levels, 1st and 2nd, and can be played with up to three children or teams/groups. Everyone's progress is tracked by an in-game point system and a visual map of a child going on an adventure. Easy to use and full of great information, 1st 2nd Grade Quest is perfect for school, home, groups, one-on-one, and travel!

【免費教育App】1st 2nd Grade Quest-APP點子

Sample 1st Grade Questions:

1. Which of these does not dissolve in water: salt, sugar, or sand?

【免費教育App】1st 2nd Grade Quest-APP點子

2. Unscramble this sentence: children The hungry are.

【免費教育App】1st 2nd Grade Quest-APP點子

Sample 2nd Grade Questions:

1. How much money is one quarter and six pennies?

【免費教育App】1st 2nd Grade Quest-APP點子

2. In which hemisphere is the United States located?

【免費教育App】1st 2nd Grade Quest-APP點子

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