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【實用財經app】3D Markets|最夯免費app


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3DMarkets – The Spread Betting, CFD and Forex Trading App

This exciting new trading app lets you trade 1000’s of financial products without being confined to your desk. From a single app you can trade spread betting, CFDs or Forex whilst on the move. You will be connected to your trades from anywhere you choose to be, with all our global markets available to you from your virtual office. Be global, trade global.

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Our secure and flexible trading platform gives you access to powerful trading features :

• Access to thousands of tradable, global markets

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• One platform to trade CFDs, spread betting and forex products

• Simple, online account funding

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• Real time position tracking, profit and loss valuation and account balance

• Technical charts with configurable indicators and timelines to suit your strategy

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• Easy trade boards with market data to open or amend your positions

• Order functionality to set stops and limits as required

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• All trade data is encrypted and executed at lightning fast execution.

Register for an account now at www.3dmarkets.com and start trading !

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About Spread betting

Spread betting is financial trading where you place a stake on whether a share price will rise or fall without ever owning the underlying share. Your profit or loss is the difference between the price at which you open and the price at which you close the trade. If the market moves in the direction you have chosen, then you will start to make profits. The opposite is also true, that if the market moves against you, then you can start to lose money. It's as easy as that!

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Trades can be opened for as little as £1 per point and any profits you make are Tax free.

About CFDs

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A Contract for Difference (or CFD) is a trade based on a predicted movement in a market price where the difference between the opening and closing price is exchanged without owning the underlying share. You buy or sell a number of contracts (or Lots) in a chosen Market and when the trade is closed, your gain (or loss) will be the number of lots multiplied by the difference in price.

CFD’s can be placed in hundreds of markets and is a leveraged product so you only have to deposit a fraction of the cost that it would take to buy the underlying shares. And profits are tax free.

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About Forex

Foreign exchange or ‘Forex’ is the largest market in the world. More Forex trades and total value of trades are executed in the financial marketplace globally than any other, including shares and commodities.

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You can trade Forex through Spread Betting or CFD trades on 35+ currency pairs with fixed spreads from as low as 0.8 pts on major currencies. Any gains are FREE also from capital gains tax and you can trade 24 hours a day.

Find out more

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Visiting us at www.3DMarkets.com

Or call us now on +44 (0) 207 175 1700


Contracts for Difference, Foreign Exchange trading and Spread betting carry a high degree of risk to your capital and it is possible to lose more than your initial investment. Only speculate with money you can afford to lose. These products may not be suitable for all investors, therefore ensure you fully understand the risks involved, and seek independent advice if necessary.

3DMarkets.com is a trading name of 3DMarkets Limited. 3DMarkets Trading Ltd is a trading name of Spread Co Limited, who are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. FCA Registration Number 446677

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