【實用生活app】5000+ Food Gift Recipes|最夯免費app

【實用生活app】5000+ Food Gift Recipes|最夯免費app


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Looking for food gift recipes? Our application has more than 5000 trusted recipes for food gifts.

【免費生活App】5000+ Food Gift Recipes-APP點子

Homemade gifts don't have to take much time, and are a wonderful expression of your love and creativity. For the "down home" cook, fill a basket with Southern flour or cornbread mixes, stone-ground grits, preserves or syrup and decorate a few wooden spoons tied with a bright Christmas bow. For the gourmet cook, a basket with jars of ripe olives, capers, olive oil, anchovies, and a pound of spaghetti along with an Italian cooking video or cookbook, and a recipe card for an authentic Pasta Puttanesca.

【免費生活App】5000+ Food Gift Recipes-APP點子

Cookies, candies, and homemade breads are always welcome gifts, or prepare and give festive preserves, relishes, or sauces. Baking mixes or assorted beans and seasonings for soup in dressed-up pint or quart canning jars make great gifts for family or coworkers, or you could bake breads or cakes in the jars.

【免費生活App】5000+ Food Gift Recipes-APP點子

Note: We recommend keeping canned breads and cakes refrigerated or frozen if not using right away, as the seal may not be reliable.

【免費生活App】5000+ Food Gift Recipes-APP點子

Below, you'll find several gift recipes, including Candy, pancake mix, Cooking Mixes, Jams And Preserves, and others.

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