



ABCParade is three alphabet learning applications in one: animated letters of the alphabet, letter recognition and a letter parade.


Each of the 26 letters has a colorful animation that shows the letter appearing as an object whose name begins with that letter then morphs into the letter itself. For example, the A begins as an airplane that changes into an A as it lands. The B is a balloon; it’s big, it’s blue and it bounces too! Each letter can be chosen individually from a keyboard or the animated alphabet can be played in its entirety.


The Letter Recognition page features another colorful keyboard of the alphabet; touching a key plays the sound of that letter. Pressing the Find button will ask your child to find a particular letter and, after the child taps a key, give a response as to whether the correct letter was chosen.


The Letter Parade displays all the letters in sequence and moves them across the screen at a constant speed so you child can recite the alphabet in time with the parade.


There are several options including:

• choice of voices for both the letter recognition and parade pages.


• five different speeds for the parade.


• full or half size parade letters.

• optional sound track for the animations.


ABCParade runs on iPad, iPhone/iPod and is optimized for retina display.


This app has been niece and nephew tested and approved.


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