【實用旅遊app】AH Airport Transfers|最夯免費app

【實用旅遊app】AH Airport Transfers|最夯免費app


【免費旅遊App】AH Airport Transfers-APP點子

AH Airport Transfers is a FREE app for booking licensed minicabs in London. This App is powered by Minicabster. Booking a minicab via the AH Airport Transfers app is faster and easier than calling us directly and gives you the price direct to your mobile or tablet device. Book a journey in 3 simple steps: 1) Enter your journey details to gain real-time prices. 2) Pay securely by card or pay cash to the driver. 3) Receive email / text confirmation of your journey, knowing you will travel safely with a licensed minicab. Features of the App: - Receive real-time prices. - Pre-book all your journeys. - Pay securely by card or pay cash to the driver - Receive prices specific to your requirements (child or booster seat, wheelchair access, executive car etc...) - Ability to use GPS to "locate me" if the pick up address is unknown. - Remembers your favourite addresses for faster bookings. - Re-submit a favourite journey to retrieve prices immediately without having to enter journey details again. - Text and email booking confirmations sent to you with the contact details for AH Airport Transfers should you need to make any changes.

【免費旅遊App】AH Airport Transfers-APP點子

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