【實用旅遊app】APPA FlightInfo|最夯免費app

【實用旅遊app】APPA FlightInfo|最夯免費app


【免費旅遊App】APPA FlightInfo-APP點子

APPA FlightInfo brings you up to date flight information for the major airports of the UK and Ireland. Flight departures and arrivals information is delivered directly to your phone.* You can even get maps of the airports, where supported.

APPA FlightInfo can run under lock, meaning you can set a ‘watch’ on a flight, and be informed (via ‘toast’ notifications and vibrations) whenever the flight status changes. So, if your flight moves from ‘Wait in lounge’ to ‘Go to Gate 15’, APPA FlightInfo will let you know.**

Send flight information via email or SMS about the current state of your flight.

【免費旅遊App】APPA FlightInfo-APP點子

APPA FlightInfo also includes a list of world airlines, complete with their codes, and links to all their websites.

Information is refreshed automatically on a timely basis, specified by the user.

Mango update introduces ‘Fast Task Switching’ plus a live tile if you pin APPA FlightInfo to your flight screen. APPA FlightInfo still needs to run under lock to refresh the flight status.

【免費旅遊App】APPA FlightInfo-APP點子

APPA FlightInfo is an indispensable addition to any travellers tools.

In case of any problems, please contact our support (support@appamundi.com), who will respond promptly to any problems.

If you have any enhancement requests, please let us know at support@appamundi.com - Thanks.

【免費旅遊App】APPA FlightInfo-APP點子

Version History


Version 1.10 - Mango Update

【免費旅遊App】APPA FlightInfo-APP點子

Version 1.9 - Bug fix on search screens

Version 1.8 - Bug fix to prevent occasional error on waking up

Version 1.7 – Changed the way web-only sites are displayed

【免費旅遊App】APPA FlightInfo-APP點子

Version 1.6 – Bug fix on airport parser

Version 1.5 – Added proxy server and time filter to boost speed and optimise data transmission

Version 1.4 – Bug fix on refreshing

【免費旅遊App】APPA FlightInfo-APP點子

Version 1.3 – Optimisation fixes

Version 1.2 – Fixed airport search error

Version 1.1 – Fixed some parser errors

【免費旅遊App】APPA FlightInfo-APP點子

Version 1.0 – Initial release

*Luton, Cardiff and Belfast International currently only show the official web sites, as there is no direct feed available. We are working on this.

**Not available in trial mode

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APPA FlightInfo LOGO-APP點子

APPA FlightInfo APP QRCode

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