【實用教育app】About Buddha's Birthday|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】About Buddha's Birthday|最夯免費app


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This project aims to inspire and educate people about the historic birth of the

Sākyamuni Buddha and, in doing so, integrate Buddhist wisdom within a modern

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context. The Buddha’s Birthday Education Project (BBEP) documents the spread

of Buddhism along the Silk Road and charts the migration and localisation of the

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religion from its origins in northern India, along the Silk Road and onwards to

many parts of Asia and, subsequently, into the West. The project also

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acknowledges that our forefathers recognised the importance of the Buddha and

therefore have celebrated his birthday in many different ways. As the canonical

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records are not easily accessible, this project team has transformed them into

artworks, music and multimedia applications. Our localisation work takes the

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perspective of today’s audience. The aim of the BBEP is to explain and give

context to rituals that may appear foreign to people who have not grown up with

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the Buddhist tradition. We hope that BBEP may be a stepping stone towards

embracing happiness and peace in multicultural and multi-faith societies

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