



The Academy of Entrepreneurship and Business Management (AEBM) is the bonafide institution in Nigeria that undertakes the following activities:

To hold, carry on or arrange and conduct meetings, conferences, schools and visit, whether local, national or international, for those engaged in Entrepreneurship and Business Management in Industry, Trade and Commerce For any country faced with severe un-employment and skills shortages, it is particularly worrying that such countries are unable to generate sufficient job opportunities for those individuals who apparently have the highest probability of finding employment. Indications are that these are as result of lack of entrepreneurship and business management skills and a mismatch between educational outputs and the type of employment opportunities available.

Within the framework of potential efforts and strategies to boost employment and job creation for citizens of all nations, entrepreneurship is increasingly accepted as an important means and a valuable additional strategy to create jobs and improve livelihoods and economic independence of the un-employed people. Regrettably, problems of unemployment as experienced by the educated youths and even the un-educated but skilled youths have become more pathetic in many developing economies, despite the neo-liberal strategies in addressing the issue of enhancing human capital.

Entrepreneurship education in the form of a transmission of codified knowledge and entrepreneurial skills through formal and informal education is very important. If entrepreneurial and enterprising behavior among young people is to emerge, more focus must be put on the entrepreneurship education and methodologies that encourage 'learning by doing' and 'just in time learning'. Entrepreneurship education is not only a means to foster Youth Entrepreneurship but at the same time to equip young people with entrepreneurial attitude and skills needed world-wide.






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뚜바뚜바 눈보리 시즌2 1화~26화 오픈!눈보리와 새로운 친구 핑크아루 등장!다양한 동물 친구들과 함께 어울리며, 동물에 대한 아이들의 호기심을 유발하고, 특성에 대한 경험을 아기자기하고 자연스럽게 풀어 재미를 통한 교육을 우리 아이에게 선물해주세요.▶눈보리 시즌2 어 …