【實用角色扮演app】Aftershock NDS Emulator|最夯免費app

【實用角色扮演app】Aftershock NDS Emulator|最夯免費app


【免費角色扮演App】Aftershock NDS Emulator-APP點子

內容介紹 :

Aftershock NDS is a free Nintendo DS emulator that lets you play your favorite DS games on any Android device.


★ Emulates dual touchscreen interface

★ Save and load game at any time

★ GameShark/ActionReplay/CodeBreaker cheats

★ Supports wireless controllers and device microphone

★ Custom button layouts and key bindings

★ Auto-rotate landscape or portrait orientation

★ Stretch to fit screen or original aspect ratio

★ Automatic frame skipping and flicker reduction


★ Transfer ROMs to your device storage

★ ROM file names should end in either .rom, .ds, or .zip

★ ROMs must be obtained in a legal manner. Several free public domain games/demos are available at



★ Open Aftershock NDS Emulator

★ Press the menu button on your device

★ Choose "File Browser" in the popup menu

★ Browse to folder containing your ROM files

★ Select game to begin playing

LEGAL: This product is not affiliated with, nor authorized, endorsed or licensed in any way by Nintendo© Company, Ltd., its affiliates or subsidiaries. “Nintendo DS” and “Nintendo” are registered trademarks of Nintendo of America, Inc. All rights reserved. Any and all video game software screen shots and related images that are simulated by Aftershock NDS and available on this Google Play listing, emulator user interface or any Aftershock promotional material (collectively “Emulated Content”) is property of their respective copyright owners. Aftershock Apps’ use of any Emulated Content is only for the purpose of providing comparative advertising to inform customers of the NDS emulators’ abilities and functionality in a truthful and non-deceptive manner.

Nintendo DS games sold separately. Aftershock NDS Emulator users must obtain self-created backup copies of rightfully owned physical video game cartridges for use with the NDS emulator. Any such copies used with Aftershock NDS must comply with permitted personal copies made in accordance with 17 U.S.C. § 117(a)(1).

【免費角色扮演App】Aftershock NDS Emulator-APP點子

【免費角色扮演App】Aftershock NDS Emulator-APP點子

【免費角色扮演App】Aftershock NDS Emulator-APP點子

【免費角色扮演App】Aftershock NDS Emulator-APP點子

【免費角色扮演App】Aftershock NDS Emulator-APP點子

【免費角色扮演App】Aftershock NDS Emulator-APP點子

【免費角色扮演App】Aftershock NDS Emulator-APP點子

【免費角色扮演App】Aftershock NDS Emulator-APP點子

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免費玩Aftershock NDS Emulator App

Aftershock NDS Emulator APP LOGO

Aftershock NDS Emulator LOGO-APP點子

Aftershock NDS Emulator APP QRCode

Aftershock NDS Emulator QRCode-APP點子
台灣 TaiwanAndroid
Google Play


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