【實用教育app】Airds High School|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】Airds High School|最夯免費app


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Welcome to Airds High School App on your Android smartphone.

The best way to always keep in touch and be informed about what's happening at your school. With carefully thought out features by parents for parents, students and other members of the school community. Keeping it simple and straight makes it sharp and reliable.

Feature Rich Calendar

You can share all community events and reminders through the calendar. It always keeps them in the loop by reminding them before an event comes up so they’re ready and never miss it. They can filter by groups and categories, and also save events to the local calendar.

Instant Push Messages

Send blazingly fast instant messages to your parents for pertinent information, reminders for due items, footy game live scores, late buses and much more. Customise your groups so parents can subscribe to relevant messages only. Best of all there’s no cost per message.

Vibrant Colourful Photos

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Oh this is our favourite. A photo is worth a million words. Let parents immerse into the experience of an excursion or a kids footy game or a performance at the school. They can save these precious moments onto their smartphones and then share it.

Pocket News

For everyone who reads their news in the most obscurest places (we do too), your community can now read the school newsletters on their smartphones. They can bookmark sections, zoom in, email it and believe it or not, print it too (don't encourage it, save trees).

Pocket Documents

Ever heard of people lazy about reading rules, policies and other boring but important information on your website? Well now all your documents will live in their pocket all the time. You can have the yum canteen menu too, if you catch our drift.

Video Content Feed

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Just when you thoughts photos were enough and were worth a million words. Imagine the potential of videos and the message you can convey in a few minutes or seconds. You can share private and public YouTube, Vimeo and Ted.com videos with your community.

Webpage Share URLS

Ever thought of sharing that great article that you read on the Internet with your parents? Well now you can. Any web article, blog, news or a social page can be shared. For sure it’s easier than sharing links on paper or even an email.

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