



Start your global shopping experience now, with AliExpress. With more than 100 million products over a range of hundreds of categories, our customers get access to the best deals and great discounts. Not to mention that we often give out free coupons! What’s more, we offer free shipping on over 75% of our products! Our well-designed and easy to use app offers the following great features:

★Shop by category


★Quick search


★Customer reviews

★Create Wish Lists


★Share products with friends


★Secure and encrypted credit card payment system

★Track your packages


★Manage your orders


★Conveniently check and respond to sellers’ messages



English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian


If you find any areas for improvement while using the App, please let us know! You can leave feedback in the App by selecting “More Options” -> “App Feedback”, or leave feedback in GooglePlay.

We look forward to hearing from you and further optimizing the App for our users!


Overview of AliExpress.com:


Part of Alibaba.com, AliExpress was launched in April 2010. AliExpress is a leading global e-commerce marketplace for sellers and suppliers to offer their products directly to the end consumer, with no minimum order quantity (MOQ) on product purchases.

AliExpress offers over 100 million product listings from a range of over 25 different categories including the following: Apparel & Accessories, Automobiles & Motorcycles, Phones & Telecommunications, Computers & Networking, Consumer Electronics, Beauty & Health, Lights & Lighting, Luggage & Bags, Shoes, Toys & Hobbies, Watches, Jewelry, and many more …

Thank you to everyone for all your great feedback and suggestions. As always we’d like to hear more. Leave us feedback on Google Play or through the AliExpress app in Menu > Customer Feedback .

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