【實用書籍app】Alice Hegan Rice Works|最夯免費app

【實用書籍app】Alice Hegan Rice Works|最夯免費app


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Alice Hegan Rice, also known as Alice Caldwell Hegan, (January 11, 1870 – February 10, 1942) was an American novelist.Born in Shelbyville, Kentucky, she wrote over two dozen books, the most famous of which is Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch. The book was a best seller in 1902 and is set in Louisville, Kentucky where she then lived. It was made into a successful play in 1903, and there were three Hollywood movie versions of it. The best known is the 1934 film that starred Pauline Lord and W. C. Fields.This Application includes most of Alice Hegan Rice 's works which are listed underlying: A Romance of Billy-Goat HillCalvary AlleyLovey MaryMiss Mink's Soldier and Other StoriesMr. OppQuinSandyThe Cabbage PatchThe Honorable PercivalIt comes with a strong ebook reader;features:1 Different reading mode:you can choose different mode according to the environment. For example,you can choose dark mode at night.You can change the font of the content.2 You can add mark at any place you like.3 You can write note about a certain content.4 This app will remember your last reading position.5 Swipe left or right to change chapters.Every function is designed for you. Enjoying your reading!

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