【實用音樂app】All My Songs|最夯免費app

【實用音樂app】All My Songs|最夯免費app


【免費音樂App】All My Songs-APP點子

Note!This is an app for musicians on stage!Imagine being able to have all your songs in one place!
Prepare all your sets for the evening and with a simple tap on your iPad, or on a foot control, change page to the next song.Send requests with bluetooth for the next song to the other band members.Send set lists and songs via bluetooth to other iPads.You can print set-lists and texts to a WiFi printer.A simple text editor to write your chords and lyrics.All your notes, texts, scores, chords, TAB's, mp3,s and manuscripts can
 be done from your desktop computer and then be uploaded to your iPad or you can scan directly into the program with the built in scanner.
Instead of using binders and papers, this program is a smarter,
 easier way to handle your notes and lyrics on stage.You can change pages with a Bluetooth foot controller.

【免費音樂App】All My Songs-APP點子

【免費音樂App】All My Songs-APP點子

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