【實用教育app】All Thumbs - Fingerprint Art|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】All Thumbs - Fingerprint Art|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】All Thumbs - Fingerprint Art-APP點子

** There is a bug that creeped in for users on iOS7. An update has been submitted. **Unleash the creative power of your thumb! Use the colored stamp pads, pencil and stickers to create a work of art. Record a story about artwork and watch it be recreated in a realtime movie to share with family and friends.CHILDPROOFING----------------------------------------------------All Thumbs lets everyone, from toddlers to adults, be an artist, but special precautions are made to ensure safe, responsible use by children. - There are no links to Social Media within the app - There are no external links within the app - There is no In-App Purchase - The app does not connect to the Internet - No personal information is collected in the appCREATE----------------------------------------------------Create an original work of art using: - THUMBPRINTS - Simply tap on the stamp pad to select a color and then tap the paper - FREE DRAWING - Draw on and around your prints using your finger - STICKERS - Give thumbprints a little character by adding some stickersJust for fun, tap on the pencil to see your artwork be re-created in real-time.TELL YOUR CREATION STORY----------------------------------------------------After you are done with your masterpiece, record an audio track to tell a story, add some notes or send a greeting. You can re-record the audio so don't worry if you don't get it right the first time. A movie is created of your artwork being drawn along with the audio track and is stored in your device's Photo Library and in the All Thumbs Gallery (available from the home screen).SHARING----------------------------------------------------Sharing your images and creation story was thoughtfully designed to ensure that young users are not exposed to social media sites. The share button will open the built-in email dialogue prefilled with your image and movie file. You can then safely share them through the oldest social network: email.If you want to post images or movies to social media sites you can find them all in your device's Photo Library. From there, you can access them from other apps (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest).PRIVACY POLICY----------------------------------------------------BabyBinks does not share any user information from websites, applications or emails with third-parties. We respect your privacy and appreciate the trust you place with us.

【免費教育App】All Thumbs - Fingerprint Art-APP點子

【免費教育App】All Thumbs - Fingerprint Art-APP點子

【免費教育App】All Thumbs - Fingerprint Art-APP點子

【免費教育App】All Thumbs - Fingerprint Art-APP點子

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免費玩All Thumbs - Fingerprint Art App

All Thumbs - Fingerprint Art APP LOGO

All Thumbs - Fingerprint Art LOGO-APP點子

All Thumbs - Fingerprint Art APP QRCode

All Thumbs - Fingerprint Art QRCode-APP點子
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