【實用個人化app】Amazing Hummingbirds Wallpaper|最夯免費app

【實用個人化app】Amazing Hummingbirds Wallpaper|最夯免費app


【免費個人化App】Amazing Hummingbirds Wallpaper-APP點子

A live wallpaper application with a collection of very high quality pictures of amazing Hummingbirds!

A slider puzzle game is also included! Enjoy piecing together your favorite pictures in a variety of difficulty modes.

A soft fade transition effect is shown when switching between pictures in the live wallpaper, providing a more gentle and elegant wallpaper experience. Tapping on the home screen (or waiting for the set interval time) will switch between pictures.

Settings can be adjusted from the Live wallpaper settings screen. Allowing you to select which pictures to show and the interval to wait before showing another picture.

This app also allows you to set static wallpapers of your favorite picture too.

Live wallpaper can be set by using either:

【免費個人化App】Amazing Hummingbirds Wallpaper-APP點子

1) Home > Menu > Wallpapers > Live Wallpapers > Amazing Hummingbirds LWP.

【免費個人化App】Amazing Hummingbirds Wallpaper-APP點子

2) Launch application > Select 'Live Wallpaper'

In App Billing is supported via the 'Remove Ads' button. Upon purchasing this upgrade this app will no longer serve any adverts.

This app is completely free and is supported by advertisements.

【免費個人化App】Amazing Hummingbirds Wallpaper-APP點子

Permissions are required for setting wallpapers and displaying ads.

If you have any questions, requests or suggestions, just send an Email or Tweet us and we'll happily respond :)

【免費個人化App】Amazing Hummingbirds Wallpaper-APP點子

Please contact us if you have any issues or concerns with the app before posting a review.

【免費個人化App】Amazing Hummingbirds Wallpaper-APP點子

【免費個人化App】Amazing Hummingbirds Wallpaper-APP點子

【免費個人化App】Amazing Hummingbirds Wallpaper-APP點子

免費玩Amazing Hummingbirds Wallpaper APP玩免費

免費玩Amazing Hummingbirds Wallpaper App

Amazing Hummingbirds Wallpaper APP LOGO

Amazing Hummingbirds Wallpaper LOGO-APP點子

Amazing Hummingbirds Wallpaper APP QRCode

Amazing Hummingbirds Wallpaper QRCode-APP點子
Google Play



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