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We are presenting talks from two great saint from Swaminarayan Sampraday. This talks mainly known as "Gopalanand Swami ni vato" and "Gunatitanand Swami ni vato". This talks are in audio format. The talks from these two saint is very helpful to understand Upasana, Mahima and Nischay of Bhagwan Swaminarayan.

we have provided few features such as offline play, taking notes and taking bookmark so on. Application contains three part of "Gopadanand swami ni vato" and five part from "Gunatitanand Swami ni vato" all talks are in Audio format.

Yogiraj Shri Gopalanand Swami

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Born Khushal Bhatt, he was born in the village of Torda in Idar Tehsil (Pre-Independence Era), Currently in Bhiloda Taluka, Sabarkantha district, in north-eastern Gujarat. Torda is surrounded by mountains. His father was an audichiya brahmin, Motiram Sharma and his mother was Kushaladevi Thakar. Gopalanand Swami pursued deep study and showed great interest of grammar, Indian philosophy of Nyaya and Vedanta. Gopalanand Swami was a scholar, with knowledge in Vyakaran (grammar), Nyaya, Mimasa, Astrology etc. Swaminarayan gave diksha (the becoming of a saint in which vows such as celibacy and renunciation of all personal possessions and of all worldly duties, including family ties are taken) to Gopalanand Swami in Vadodara, Gujarat. Swaminarayan held Gopalanand Swami in very high regard and he had mastered Ashtang yoga. Gopalanand Swami died in 1850 in Vadtal.

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Sadguru Shri Gunatitanand Swami

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Known as Akshar Brahm, was a prominent Saint, who has given the most valuable contribution for the wide spread of the Swaminarayan Sampraday (Holy Fellowship).

He was born at Bhadara in Saurashtra on the full moon day of the month of Aasoin the S.Y. 1841. His name was Muljibhai. From the childhood he had a divine vision and he could see with his inner eyes, what Ghanshyam (Bhagwan Swaminarayan) was doing in his childhood at Chhapaiya, far away in U.P.

On account of this, he could see the Thread-Ceremony of Ghanshyam on the very day and he described the same before the family. Thus he had Divine Vision and he could have the holy sight of Bhagwan Swaminarayan Occasionally.

Once after getting divine holy sight of Bhagwan Swaminarayan and inspiration, he left worldly attachments and renounced home in the S.Y. 1865 and he was given initiation as a Saint by Bhagwan Shri Swaminarayan in the S.Y.1866. He was possessing all saintly virtues. He was living very simple but highly spiritual and service full life. Bhagwan Swamianrayan was highly pleased on him on account of his ever readiness to serve the sick Saints and thus setting up an ideal example for the same.

He passed about 40 years in Junagadh, as the Mahant(Head) of the Swaminarayan- temple. On this status also, he used to render services even for sweeping and assisting construction work in the temple. Though he was not educated he used to give preaching for hours together on high philosophy but in such a very simple, practical and impressive way, that all were spellbound. By his talks, there was a change of heart even of wicked persons and they were inspired to lead noble life. The book Swami ni Vato regarding his preachings is an eternal remembrance of Swamiji, which is inspiring and guiding many on the path of salvation.

By his blessings, disturbing worldly desires were subjugated. Even the sense of taste and passions were controlled immediately. He left his physical body at Gondal in the S.Y.1923. independently, sitting in “Padmasan†pose ,after announcing in advance.

Tags: Jay Swaminarayan,Swaminarayan, Gopadanand Swami, Gunatitanand Swami, Swami ni vato, Gopadanand swami ni vato, Gunatitanand swami ni vato

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