



AnyShareLive, Provided by Sharelive, is an application for camera live sharing, not only your ip cameras but also your mobile cameras, such as your android phone cameras, your android pad cameras, and so on.

Note: mobile camera live sharing will be unavaliable if there is no sim card found, because mobile camera is identified by IMEI and IMSI.

By AnyShareLive, you can live share your camera video and/or audio stream instantly, with your families, friends, or the world. It is easy to live share your cameras together, you can search cameras and you can add cameras to your favorites.

Share is happy and share is funny, live share your cameras, anytime anyplace with anybody.

Features Supported:

-live share your mobile cameras with users authorized;

-live share your ip camera with users authorized;

-search cameras with anonymous authorized;

-add cameras with anonymous authorized to favorites;

-share mobile cameras as authorized user;

-share ip cameras as authorized user;

-text message interaction during camera sharing;

Mobile Camera Live Sharing Notes:


-Click on the left-bottom icon in main screen to create a mobile camera in system;

-When the mobile camera created, back to main screen, it will be shown in My Created Cam list;

-Press menu button and select Cam User to manage authorized users;

-If the camera type selected is Private during camera creation, only you has been added as owner by default, and any registered accounts can be added as authorized users;

-If the camera type selected is Protect during camera creation, beside you as owner, guest as anonymous has been added by default, of course, guest can be removed and any registered accounts can be added as authorized users;

-If the camera type selected is Public during camera creation, beside you as owner, guest as anonymous has been added by default, of course, guest can be removed and no registered account can be added as authorized users;

-After the mobile camera creation, click the left-bottom icon in main screen anytime, you start live sharing your mobile camera and users authorized can share your camera from now on, until you stop live sharing your mobile camera;

-Mobile cameras identified by IMEI and IMSI can only be created and shared by only one account at a time, so camera access will be denied from different account on same device and same sim card during mobile camera creation or live sharing;


-If the camera list or camera user list is not shown correctly, refresh the list by click on the fresh icon in proper screen;


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