【實用書籍app】AppStart for iPhone|最夯免費app

【實用書籍app】AppStart for iPhone|最夯免費app


【免費書籍App】AppStart for iPhone-APP點子

The first app to download on your iPhone: An app starter kit with all the essential apps you'll ever need.

AppAdvice.com welcomes you to AppStart: A fun, interactive magazine about your iPhone & apps! And it's oh so pretty!

AppStart takes a fresh and fun approach to teach the average Joe (or insert your name here) how to become more familiar with his iPhone and apps. NO THIS IS NOT A BORING MANUAL. We’ll fill you on the basic things that everyone should know, and then get you started with the best apps for you.

【免費書籍App】AppStart for iPhone-APP點子

Throughout the app you’ll find special sections giving the apps you need to turn your iPhone into a specific kind of tool, or giving a list of the essentials apps for certain types of users. If you see something that sounds interesting to you click it! We’ll give you the exact set of apps to download and you’ll be on your way, no need to scour the top charts in the App Store.

This app starts out pretty basic, but by the time you get to the end you’ll be performing all the tricks that truly make the iPhone “magical.” Oh, did we mention that you’re going to have fun doing it. We love the iPhone and what we love even more is watching each person get the most out of it.

【免費書籍App】AppStart for iPhone-APP點子

Who is AppAdvice.com?

AppAdvice.com is obsessed with finding the apps that YOU care about. Every single day our team of app enthusiasts creates 30+ articles to keep readers up to date with the cluttered App Store. We teach readers the best apps that come out each day, review the hottest apps to determine if they are worth their price tag,and even give daily recommendations of apps on sale worth downloading.

【免費書籍App】AppStart for iPhone-APP點子

Above all, our favorite thing to do is create customized applists and appguides for our readers. You’ll see examples of these throughout AppStart. We constantly produce and update lists that are perfect for every kind of iPhone user. If you’re teacher, a movie buff, or just someone looking for a good weather app AppAdvice.com can quickly and easily tell you the apps that you need. Please enjoy AppStart and then if you like what you see download our AppAdvice app to get daily updates, or visit us online at http://appadvice.com

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