【實用工具app】Arabic Editor Arabic Pride|最夯免費app

【實用工具app】Arabic Editor Arabic Pride|最夯免費app


【免費工具App】Arabic Editor Arabic Pride-APP點子


Arabic Editor is a helpful tool to write in Arabic and update your status, prepare notes in Arabic.

The good thing is it uses your english keyboard and automatically converts your english to Arabic.

【免費工具App】Arabic Editor Arabic Pride-APP點子

In a way its Arabic Keyboard in your English Keyboard.

The words are converted to Arabic after hitting space.

1. Write in Arabic using English Keyboard and use it like Arabic Keyboard

【免費工具App】Arabic Editor Arabic Pride-APP點子

2. Copy the message to post it somewhere.

3. Share message on social network or on SMS

Note : The App fonts are not supported in Sony Xperia and Micromax Canvas Series device

【免費工具App】Arabic Editor Arabic Pride-APP點子

Coming soon with Notepad app to save notes in Arabic :-)

This is better than any Arabic IME Input Method Editor (IME)

Arabic Pride is the part of Indian Pride group of Apps

【免費工具App】Arabic Editor Arabic Pride-APP點子

免費玩Arabic Editor Arabic Pride APP玩免費

免費玩Arabic Editor Arabic Pride App

Arabic Editor Arabic Pride APP LOGO

Arabic Editor Arabic Pride LOGO-APP點子

Arabic Editor Arabic Pride APP QRCode

Arabic Editor Arabic Pride QRCode-APP點子
Google Play


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