【實用教育app】Arabic Teacher|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】Arabic Teacher|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】Arabic Teacher-APP點子

Learn to read and speak Arabic with the interactive 'Arabic Teacher' application. Created with enhanced learning techniques to help anyone get a foothold in the Arabic language. The App helps you familiarize with the language using very natural learning exercises.

【免費教育App】Arabic Teacher-APP點子

By using the Arabic Teacher app, you will be able to:

【免費教育App】Arabic Teacher-APP點子

⇒ Fully master the Arabic alphabet and be able to use them in constructing words.

【免費教育App】Arabic Teacher-APP點子

⇒ Have a vast vocabulary at your disposal.

【免費教育App】Arabic Teacher-APP點子

⇒ Be able to construct sentences.

【免費教育App】Arabic Teacher-APP點子

⇒ Have a conversation with someone in Arabic.

【免費教育App】Arabic Teacher-APP點子

Special features:

【免費教育App】Arabic Teacher-APP點子

⇒ Crisp clear audio narration/guide.

【免費教育App】Arabic Teacher-APP點子

⇒ Effective vocabulary exercise, making sure new words sick to your mind.

【免費教育App】Arabic Teacher-APP點子

⇒ Sentence building exercises.

【免費教育App】Arabic Teacher-APP點子

⇒ Alphabet-letter exercise, enabling you to grasp the alphabets easier.

【免費教育App】Arabic Teacher-APP點子

⇒ Exam to test your Arabic skills, to let you know your Level.

【免費教育App】Arabic Teacher-APP點子

⇒ Get certified by the Al-Akhdar Institute for Arabic Studies, by going to al-akhdar.org, signing in with your Arabic Teacher Account and claiming your certificate based on the level you got on the exam.

The app is built to fit all screens, designed to work perfectly in small screens as well as large screens, even tablets. The app does not require internet connection to run, you can use it perfectly offline.

All permissions that are asked for are solely to play the audio in the app.

If you have any questions in regards to this app, please feel free to email me here: arabicteacher@cellfawn.com :)

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免費玩Arabic Teacher App

Arabic Teacher APP LOGO

Arabic Teacher LOGO-APP點子

Arabic Teacher APP QRCode

Arabic Teacher QRCode-APP點子
Google Play
台灣 TaiwanAndroid
Google Play