【實用教育app】Aranda Primary School|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】Aranda Primary School|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】Aranda Primary School-APP點子

The Aranda Primary School mobile app is custom built to serve the needs of our school community, by improving communication between the school and its families. Removing the need for paper sick notes and school newsletters.This two way communication app means parents and the school staff can always be better prepared for the day ahead. Which is of course in the best interest of our children.Great care has been taken to provide a valuable service to meet the needs of our community.The school's app has been built by parents for parents. These are the key benefits of our app;* Integrates all the different information portals and online services used by the school.* Provides parents with an "At their fingertips" information source.* Provides instant access to upcoming events that can be added to their phone calendar.* Forgotten notes are a thing of the past, now parents can add the due date of permission notes to their phones calendar.* Enables parents to use Google maps to navigate to any venue used by the school for sports.* Schools main form of communication is our newsletter and now parents can access current and past newsletters no matter where they are 24/7.* Photos of school events taken by parents can be shared with the school using the images taken with your phones camera. Remember not all photos can be used subject to internet authority forms being signed by parents. But still send them to us.* Parents in business can now support the fundraising efforts of the school while promoting the products and services of their business to the school community.* Always keep your contact details up to date using the two-way Change of Details form to notify the office of changes to phone numbers or addresses.* Never forget to send in a sick note again with our built in sick notes form.* The school benefits too by making out content available in a way that parents want to receive it.* Pop-up message (push notifications) makes the instant communication of time sensitive items and whole school messages seamless and cost effective.* Used multiple times a day by parents to ensure they are always up-to-date and well informed.*No more lost notes in the bottom of the kids school bags ever again.

【免費教育App】Aranda Primary School-APP點子

【免費教育App】Aranda Primary School-APP點子

免費玩Aranda Primary School APP玩免費

免費玩Aranda Primary School App

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