【實用個人化app】Ardvark - MagicLockerTheme|最夯免費app

【實用個人化app】Ardvark - MagicLockerTheme|最夯免費app


【免費個人化App】Ardvark - MagicLockerTheme-APP點子

'Ardvark - MagicLockerTheme' is a MagicLocker Theme App. To run this theme app, you must install MagicLocker App first.(Follow the installed theme app indication or search 'mobi.lockscreen.magiclocker' in Google Market)


*Author : Tim hughes

*Description : This theme includes unlock to home screen. If you have any ideas for themes email me at timhughes92@gmail.com.



【免費個人化App】Ardvark - MagicLockerTheme-APP點子

Q: How to find more MagicLocker Themes?

A: You can press 'More Themes' button in 'MagicLocker Setting -> Themes Tab'. Or search 'mobi.lockscreen.magiclocker.theme' in Google Market directly.

Q: How to install MagicLocker Themes?

A: After you install a MagicLocker theme app, you need to run the theme app and press 'Install this theme' button in the theme dialog.

Q: How to uninstall MagicLocker Themes?

A: You can long press a theme in 'MagicLocker Setting -> Themes Tab' then press 'Uninstall theme'. Or go to 'System Setting -> Applications -> Manage applications' then find the theme App to uninstall as general App.

Q: Why the 'Lost Robot' theme can't be uninstalled from MagicLocker?

A: 'Lost Robot' is the default theme in MagicLocker and MagicLocker must ensure there is at least one theme exist.

Q: Why a theme disappeared from 'MagicLocker Setting -> Themes Tab'?

A: First, please ensure your SD card is available, if yes, please try to reinstall the theme app.

免費玩Ardvark - MagicLockerTheme APP玩免費

免費玩Ardvark - MagicLockerTheme App

Ardvark - MagicLockerTheme APP LOGO

Ardvark - MagicLockerTheme LOGO-APP點子

Ardvark - MagicLockerTheme APP QRCode

Ardvark - MagicLockerTheme QRCode-APP點子
Google Play


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