【實用教育app】Arranging Australian Money|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】Arranging Australian Money|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】Arranging Australian Money-APP點子

This app helps the student to identify coins and notes and understand the value of each coin or note. A coin or note appears in the first box, and the student is asked to click on the next two coins or notes that follow in ascending order. This program can be used by kindergarten children or learning-disabled (autistic or with other disabilities) children of various ages.

Settings for Arranging Coins and Notes from Smallest to Biggest Value:

【免費教育App】Arranging Australian Money-APP點子

“Settings" is located at the bottom left corner of the screen. If the therapist/parent needs to adjust the settings, click the “Settings" to make the settings box disappear or reappear.

Prompt (Blink)

【免費教育App】Arranging Australian Money-APP點子

This is checked by default. If the student fails to click the correct coins or notes within ten seconds, the program guides him/her to the correct coin or note by making the coin or note blink. This is available for “Training" mode but disabled for “Test" mode.

Here, the student can test him/herself. “Prompt" and “Congratulatory Animation" are disabled. The test results are recorded and “Report" becomes enabled.


【免費教育App】Arranging Australian Money-APP點子

This is checked by default. If the student fails to click the correct coins or bills within ten seconds, the program guides him/her to the correct coin or bill by making the coin or bill blink.

Numerical Label under Coin or Note

【免費教育App】Arranging Australian Money-APP點子

When this is checked a numerical label appears under each coin or note.

No Label under Coin or Note

【免費教育App】Arranging Australian Money-APP點子

When this is checked no label appears under the coins or notes.

Display Coins and Notes in Ascending Order or Random Order

【免費教育App】Arranging Australian Money-APP點子

The coins and notes at the bottom of the screen appear in ascending order of value or in random order. This is a toggle switch if the notes and coins are listed in random order, clicking this button will change the display to ascending order, and vice-versa.

Congratulatory Animation

【免費教育App】Arranging Australian Money-APP點子

This box is checked by default. This is available only for the “Training" mode. When this is checked, clicking the correct value invites a congratulatory animation. This animation runs for ten seconds. Click anywhere on the screen or press space bar to stop the congratulatory animation.

Uncheck the box if the student doesn't need congratulatory animation.


【免費教育App】Arranging Australian Money-APP點子

Click on the “Done" button to close “Arranging Coins and Notes from Smallest to Biggest Value" and return to the main program.

【免費教育App】Arranging Australian Money-APP點子

【免費教育App】Arranging Australian Money-APP點子

【免費教育App】Arranging Australian Money-APP點子

【免費教育App】Arranging Australian Money-APP點子

【免費教育App】Arranging Australian Money-APP點子

【免費教育App】Arranging Australian Money-APP點子

免費玩Arranging Australian Money APP玩免費

免費玩Arranging Australian Money App

Arranging Australian Money APP LOGO

Arranging Australian Money LOGO-APP點子

Arranging Australian Money APP QRCode

Arranging Australian Money QRCode-APP點子
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