



Ascension is a text RPG adventure. It is semi-open-world and heavily story-based. The game features combat, dialogue, and a degree of exploration. Various skills can be levelled, items can be found, bought, and sold, and your character can be customized. Various characters can be interacted with and taken as companion. The choices you make directly and drastically affect the outcome of the game.

You play as an amnesiac who wakes up in the fantasy world of Rynn. You have no idea what this place is or why you're there. You have occasional flashbacks, but you remember another place entirely- a place called Earth. Skarval, the kingdom where you woke up, is being torn apart by war. Even more ominous, you seem to be the central figure in their Prophecy- the Starfall. And the Prophecy warns of dark days ahead...

This was originally made as a school project in late 2012. It was released publicly for PC in early 2013. This port is based on the latest PC version 1.4 which was released in May 2014. Improvements since the initial version include significant changes to the game text, new music, parser improvements and other engine fixes.

I don't believe in imposing unnecessary restrictions on users, so this app is listed as compatible with all devices running at least Android 4.0.3 ICS. However, it is designed primarily for 7-inch tablets running Android 4.4 KitKat. The layout is suboptimal for phones and large tablets, and the game is glitchy on ICS. It may load extremely slowly on some devices, displaying the "Loading" text for a minute or longer. I am still investigating the cause of this.

The game code is licensed under the Modified BSD License (3-clause). The game content and art are licensed CC-BY-SA 4.0, except for the music. The music was produced by Kevin MacLeod, pacDV, and Derek Audette, and although all songs are royalty free, they have different license terms. Full terms are located in the about page of the app.

This app is ad-supported, but does not use invasive interstitial ads or ads on the game screen.

Ascension is open-source and the source is available from my website.



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