【實用購物app】Ashlin Technology Solutions|最夯免費app

【實用購物app】Ashlin Technology Solutions|最夯免費app


【免費購物App】Ashlin Technology Solutions-APP點子

This application was 100% produced internally to allow mobile devices better access to our extensive technology products inventory. We can develop similar apps for your company. This app was not only created to enhance your mobile shopping experience, but also to show you what Ashlin's expert design and implementation can do for you.

This app integrates with the same databases as our ecommerce web site allowing you to use a single login for our web site and our app.

Ashlin has been working with North American business clients since 1983 helping them get the best results from their technology acquisitions. To accomplish this Ashlin does the following.

We supply virtually everything our clients need in technology products and services at competitive prices.

We maintain a database internally of over 1,000,000 products including all the distribution costs and inventory throughout North America. For Canadian clients we include inventory at US warehouses that service Canada as well. For US Clients we give them access to Canadian warehouses. This database is updated every night and in real time when you click on the Inventory tab for any product.

Because we have such an extensive product database we can tell our clients immediately if a product is available, from where, and at what cost. This is critical to our ability to meet our goal of providing the best customer service in the industry, period.

We do Not hide behind voicemail. We have it, but we almost never let an automated attendant answer the phone, people answer our phones over 90% of the time. So you get results not frustration. On the rare occasions when messages are left, they are returned promptly.

Because we have low turnover (almost none) and expert Account Executives, we always provide free advice and consulting to our clients. We don’t just process orders like many of our competitors, we make sure you are getting what you need, when you need it.

Our expertise does not end with the sales process. With a combination of internal and subcontractor skills we take on projects of all sizes, even providing professional project management when appropriate. Think of Ashlin as the General contractor, that sources the materials, engages the trades, and ensures the house gets built.

In short at Ashlin we build relationships with our clients based on trust and unmatched customer service. We are a trusted advisor, supplier, and provider of services.

【免費購物App】Ashlin Technology Solutions-APP點子

【免費購物App】Ashlin Technology Solutions-APP點子

【免費購物App】Ashlin Technology Solutions-APP點子

【免費購物App】Ashlin Technology Solutions-APP點子

【免費購物App】Ashlin Technology Solutions-APP點子

【免費購物App】Ashlin Technology Solutions-APP點子

【免費購物App】Ashlin Technology Solutions-APP點子

【免費購物App】Ashlin Technology Solutions-APP點子

【免費購物App】Ashlin Technology Solutions-APP點子

【免費購物App】Ashlin Technology Solutions-APP點子

【免費購物App】Ashlin Technology Solutions-APP點子

【免費購物App】Ashlin Technology Solutions-APP點子

【免費購物App】Ashlin Technology Solutions-APP點子

【免費購物App】Ashlin Technology Solutions-APP點子

【免費購物App】Ashlin Technology Solutions-APP點子

【免費購物App】Ashlin Technology Solutions-APP點子

【免費購物App】Ashlin Technology Solutions-APP點子

【免費購物App】Ashlin Technology Solutions-APP點子

【免費購物App】Ashlin Technology Solutions-APP點子

【免費購物App】Ashlin Technology Solutions-APP點子

【免費購物App】Ashlin Technology Solutions-APP點子

【免費購物App】Ashlin Technology Solutions-APP點子

【免費購物App】Ashlin Technology Solutions-APP點子

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