【實用教育app】Assessment Assistant|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】Assessment Assistant|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】Assessment Assistant-APP點子

The Pearson UK Assessment Assistant is your little helper for when you’re administering assessments or interventions. Aimed at health and education professionals, this free app has a number of handy functions so you can concentrate on what matters most – assessing your client.

Some of the features of the Assessment Assistant:

Calculator - to assist with adding up raw scores.

Age To Grade Converter – Convert an age to a UK school year or US grade equivalent.

Age Calculator – A handy function which allows you to quickly work out a client's exact chronological age (years, months, days) when you’re due to administer a test.

Interactive Normal Curve – Compare percentiles and standard scores on the normal distribution curve; interactive drag feature also available.

Registration Number Reminder – Not knowing your registration number will be a thing of the past.

Stopwatch/Timer – Count down or up, set an alarm, or use the lap timer.

Area sales consultant finder – Quickly contact your rep to book a free product demonstration.

Among the other functions, you will also be able to quickly request a catalogue, keep an eye on the events you can meet us at, and see our newest products.

【免費教育App】Assessment Assistant-APP點子

【免費教育App】Assessment Assistant-APP點子

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Assessment Assistant APP LOGO

Assessment Assistant LOGO-APP點子

Assessment Assistant APP QRCode

Assessment Assistant QRCode-APP點子
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