【實用教育app】Audio-To Kill a Mockingbird|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】Audio-To Kill a Mockingbird|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】Audio-To Kill a Mockingbird-APP點子

Go to the head-of-the-class with comprehensive AUDIO study guides for your Android powered devices. RocketBook, in collaboration with iPREPpress has created mobile AUDIO study guides for a number of novels and plays that are required reading at the high school level.

* All the audio is resident in the APP, not streamed from the Internet. You can use this product anywhere!

But these are study guides like you've never seen or heard before. Designed especially for teen audiences, the professional narration and background music make the presentations engaging and easier to remember.

Even though these study guides are much more stimulating and memorable than the stale, printed or audio study notes from other sources, the material is very solid. Presented chapter-by-chapter, each lesson includes:

* Chapter summary and contains:

- Context

- Plot

- Character development

* Chapter analysis and contains:

- Themes

- Motifs

- Symbols

With its 20 audio lessons, To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, springs to life. Use Rocketbook as a complement to your reading assignment. It will enhance your reading experience and help you retain the key facts to ace your book reports and tests.

These guides are especially helpful for students with learning disabilities but they are excellent for all students.

RocketBook has over 35 audio and video titles including:



King Lear

Romeo and Juliet

【免費教育App】Audio-To Kill a Mockingbird-APP點子

Julius Caesar


The Crucible

The Scarlet Letter

The Odyssey


The Great Gatsby

Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

Pride & Prejudice


...and more


Each audio and video study guide app has been meticulously created by iPREPpress LLC, a leader in educational iPod, iPhone and mobile device development and distribution.

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Audio-To Kill a Mockingbird APP LOGO

Audio-To Kill a Mockingbird LOGO-APP點子

Audio-To Kill a Mockingbird APP QRCode

Audio-To Kill a Mockingbird QRCode-APP點子
Google Play


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