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【實用交通運輸app】Automotive Structural Analysis|最夯免費app


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Automotive Structural Analysis - Runs on all Phones & Tablets

By Mandy Concepcion

Covering chassis repair, straightening, welding, MIG, TIG, Arc welding, torch welder and all needed equipment used for chassis repair. Good or the DIY, professional and also prepares you for the ASE exam. Other aspects of chassis repair are also covered, such as windshield replacement.

About ASE Certification

We at Automotive Diagnostics and Publishing promote the ASE

Certification program and encourage all beginning and advanced technicians alike to participate and get certified. We are not directly affiliated with ASE. ASE Automotive Technician Certifications are recognized throughout the United States by almost all county and state agencies as meeting the requirements to be considered an automotive technician. Many organizations and repair facilities nationwide have ASE Certification as mandatory for their technicians as part of their business model.

It’s one thing to just show up for work; it is quite another to take control of your career, and get recognition for the knowledge and skills you’ve developed over the years. That’s what ASE certification is all about: helping you tell customers, employers, and other people about what you know. After all, being an automotive technician is not just turning wrenches. Your years of hard work show that you’ve gone the extra mile, and put in the time and effort to learn your trade. Your ASE certification patch is proof of it. Get certified now."

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