【實用教育app】BBTimeTable Simple Pro|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】BBTimeTable Simple Pro|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】BBTimeTable Simple Pro-APP點子

BBTimeTable is for those:- Students who wish to manage school time table everyday.- Teachers who need to check lots of lession schedule.- Parents who need to check kid's class table to get the kid ready for the class.- Office workers who need to plan his weekly schedule for their self developement.You can simply add new class to your schedule or move a class to other week or day or time.And no need to type same class many times at the beginging of terms.Fast scheduling with a few steps.Moreover newly improved memo feature helps you a lot with your class scheduling.A/B week function added which was requested by Previous users.Other then above, you can manage multiple time tables.[ Basic Features ] View the whole week schedule (Landscape Mode) View the schedule in daily (Portrait Mode) Saturdays / Sundays usable A/B Week usable Support various icon / background color Easy to copy schedule and modification by drag & drop Manage memo and event for each schedule Backup/restore feature Timetable Image store Todo feature Support English, Korean, Japanese, Simplified Chinese [ Pro Features ] Multiple semester management Export/Import per a semester(timetable) Addon Icon Class, event notification [ TIP ] Editing the schedule for a long time and hold a certain screen. Try to tap the clock on the screen then it will redirect you to the current schedule. Try to tap the day while portrait mode then it will redirect you to the selected day's schedule. Flick the screen in portrait mode, you can move the date. Swiping the screen using two fingers (swipe) Easy A, B weeks can be switched.[ Support ] GreenBee Soft is listening to those users' comment. Adding features, bug report and any advice for our app will be appreciated to below site contact. EMAIL : support@greenbeesoft.com TWITTER : https://twitter.com/greenbeesoft FACEBOOK : http://www.facebook.com/greenbeesoft

【免費教育App】BBTimeTable Simple Pro-APP點子

【免費教育App】BBTimeTable Simple Pro-APP點子

【免費教育App】BBTimeTable Simple Pro-APP點子

【免費教育App】BBTimeTable Simple Pro-APP點子

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