【實用個人化app】BLING♦Theme Purple Leopard SMS|最夯免費app

【實用個人化app】BLING♦Theme Purple Leopard SMS|最夯免費app


【免費個人化App】BLING♦Theme Purple Leopard SMS-APP點子

The Ultimate Purple Leopard ☀ BLING THEME☀ for Go SMS Pro. This theme is blinged out from head to toe, featuring a custom designed leopard background encrusted with purple and white diamonds. Messages appear in platinum lined glossy chat bubbles topped with purple jewels. Purple diamonds are set in platinum on the top and bottom of your chat screen with 3 jeweled hearts on top. Many more fine details to be discovered through out the theme! Install and check out this glamorous purple leopard bling theme today!

★ Custom Designed PRO Version (ad-free)

✔ Theme is designed to be completely cute and awesome but still make it easy to read your messages, enjoy!

✔ Big purple diamonds add some bling to the rounded glossy chat bubbles

【免費個人化App】BLING♦Theme Purple Leopard SMS-APP點子

✔ Shiney platinum interface buttons

✔ Cute sparkling purple leopard bling matching popup chat window

【免費個人化App】BLING♦Theme Purple Leopard SMS-APP點子

✔ 2 different purple leopard bling wallpaper designs for inbox and messaging views

✔ Customized text colors for all GO SMS screens

【免費個人化App】BLING♦Theme Purple Leopard SMS-APP點子

✔ Matching icons through out the bling theme

✔ 33 rounded purple bling diamond lined application icons to match theme

【免費個人化App】BLING♦Theme Purple Leopard SMS-APP點子

✔ Yes, theme can be stored on your SD Card!

About Go SMS Pro:

GO SMS PRO brings you cool UI, fast and convenient SMS/MMS experience. GO SMS Pro is the most popular messaging app; Very powerful, Cool, Funny, Safe, Fully customizable; Well support SMS/MMS + GO Chat(free message) + Walkie Talkie(free voice). MUST HAVE. Search GO SMS, install it if you don't have have it. Then...

To apply theme:

【免費個人化App】BLING♦Theme Purple Leopard SMS-APP點子

Open GO SMS Pro > press Menu > Themes > Bling Purple Leopard > Apply

If you enjoy the theme let me know in the ratings, thank you!

*** Any problems, feedback, or requests just email support@jellytap.com, we look forward to hearing from you! ***

Thanks for your interest in our designs!

免費玩BLING♦Theme Purple Leopard SMS APP玩免費

免費玩BLING♦Theme Purple Leopard SMS App

BLING♦Theme Purple Leopard SMS APP LOGO

BLING♦Theme Purple Leopard SMS LOGO-APP點子

BLING♦Theme Purple Leopard SMS APP QRCode

BLING♦Theme Purple Leopard SMS QRCode-APP點子
Google Play



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